Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Day at a Time

Today I woke up sore and it doesn't help that I couldn't sleep at night because of the pain in my neck, back, and legs. I was thinking to myself today about when I was a little girl how my daddy had to carry me because I would get so tired from walking or just normal playing. You see I was born with a heart murmur and I can remember at night my heart racing and  my momma staying up with me late into the night scared that it would stop. We were poor when I was young and my parents did the best they could to make sure that I got the medical attention I needed. The doctors told them that if it didn't close on its own that I would end up having surgery. By the time I was seven years old my murmur had closed. My parents were so excited thats what they had been praying for. From then on I lived a pretty active life through my teenage years. My mom and I would walk 6 miles a day and excercise daily. Who would have thought later in life I would begin another fight. A fight against fibro...

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