Monday, January 31, 2011

Getting Healthy

I'm feeling wonderful. I went to the doctor a week ago and the meds are working great. Now I want to start getting healthier. My wonderful sister told me that she would start walking with me in the evenings. The only thing I need to work on now is learning to like veggies. My mom and dad tried to get me to eat them but I just hated them. Now I wish I would have made a better effort to like them. It's funny because I always put veggies on my boy's plates but never on mine. But the reason I do that is because I don't want the to be like me and hate veggies. I'm just happy that I'm feeling better, I know I will never be cured. But I will take how I'm feeling these days over any of my bad days.

1 comment:

  1. The trick with veggies is the proper preparation. Canned veggies are almost always horrible. Try to get raw/fresh ones. Then for cooking them, either grill or oven roast with your favourite blend of spices. Salads are also a good choice - my favourite is a cucumber, tomato, and onion diced and tossed with olive oil/balsamic vinaigrette with salt and pepper.
