Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Food For Thought

I never knew how hard the battle I would be facing each day with pain and trying to put a smile on my face to hide it. I'm learning to live with it but it's hard. Every morning I get up and I am vomitting because the pain is so intense. I get so fatigued throughout the day and sometimes it gets so hard to bare so I have to go home and lay down. I get so angry when people talk behind my back and make comments about me. Even the people that are close to me; family, friends, and co workers look at me with sympathy but inside I know they are thinking that there is nothing wrong with her. I wish everyone would go to ButYouDontLookSick.com either on facebook or on the web and read all the stories of people just like me that are fighting to feel good. Ask yourself if you woke up everyday hurting and feeling like you could stay in bed all day; would you be able to deal with it. I didn't ask to be dealt the hand I've been dealt, but I'm trusting in God to help me over come this. So what I really want everyone to know is do not judge people with out knowing them and really know what is going on in their life. <3

1 comment:

  1. I also have fibromyalgia. I have been there and I know exactly how you feel. The main pain I had came from endometriosis but I also had pain from fibro. I have had 1 million tests and taken 1 million different medicines. From what I have read I think that the hormonal problems and other symptoms of endometriosis may have been the cause of the fibro, but I will never know for sure. Pregnancy is pretty much the only cure for endo and luckily since I had Elin it has not came back. I do not recommend taking Lyrica, which is one of the only FDA approved medicines for fibro. It causes weight gain and so many other problems that you end up worse off than when you started! I now only take tramadol. It is a non narcotic pain medicine and works wonders for controlling pain. If you have not tried it before you should consider asking your doctor about it. I def wish you the best and hope that you find something that helps. I feel so blessed to not have to endure such pain every day anymore like I used to. It is SO hard! I am always here if you need someone to talk to!
